There are over 8 Billion people on this planet and we are trying to make getting to know the half million around you easier.
Jay Kolbet-Clausell, CHWI MSW
DAVIS FIRE UPDATE: View updated information at Nevada Fire Info. Follow Perimeter Map for updates on road closures and evacuations. View live camera feeds at NVRoads.
There are over 8 Billion people on this planet and we are trying to make getting to know the half million around you easier.
Jay Kolbet-Clausell, CHWI MSW
Reno Sparks residents feel a strong connection to place. Neighborhood residents can't imagine living in another neighborhood and a neighborhood 15 minutes away is considered far away. These unique cultural ideals foster the northern Nevada ethos of buying hyper local, diverging neighborhood structures, and personal self reliance. We have a list of 94 neighborhoods in South Washoe County to write about. If you want yours on the short list... email us a rough draft!
The original residents built the homes in the neighborhood and that brought them together. Now we are rebuilding the neighborhood, not physically, but by reestablishing the community.
Barrie Schuster / West of Wells
Growing Neighborhood Connections
Teamwork online and in person