Interests vary: cars to more esoteric pursuits.

Interest Pages

Researched Interest pages for reference

Happy Foster Care Kids Whispering

Washoe County Foster Care Adoption

Washoe County Foster Care/Adoption Info

Open Parks and Trails

Open Parks and Trails

To find trails and parks in the area

Neighborhood Use and Owners

Parcel Use and Owners

Who owns your Reno or Sparks neighborhoo ...

Mid-century Modern

This group is solely dedicated to Mid-century Reno...and the current love needed for over 70 motels in the city.

Add Your Neighborhood

We have a list of 94 neighborhoods in South Washoe County to write about. If you want yours on the short list, email us a rough draft or post to the neighborhood comment board!

Growing Neighborhood Connections

Teamwork online and in person

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