It takes three people to help a neighbor get inside, navigating the system to find a home. Next volunteer training April 4, 6pm.
Downtown Sparks
Daily Adventure

Social Service Providers
Here is the Plan (Work on any step you feel motivated to tackle and check back to see progress) We will have our first working draft on May 9th ahead of the next Sparks Neighborhood Council Facebook Event: HERE (provide feedback here or in the comment section below) PART 1 - Collect phone numbers and past surveys for service providers. Add a service provider to the list: H ...

Sparks Neighborhood Council
Update 3 When: April 27th 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. Where: Blind Onion in Downtown Sparks - 834 Victorian Ave, Sparks, Nevada 89431 Agenda: Introductions and meal (15 minutes) Goal Setting Icebreaker (10 minutes) Known Concerns: Homeless Services, Downtown Cleanups, Crime Reports, Fourth of July, regional communication) Guest Speaker - Staff from the Washoe County District Attorney ( ...

Homeless Youth Count
A few years back, I experienced what I refer to as the great depression...I lost my Friend, My Business, my apartment and then my Mother in short order. I was sued and won a huge lawsuit that put me into great debt. I moved to the Wilderness and let depression really take over my life. I was miserable. I didn't know how to reach out...

Free Radon Testing Kits
DOWNLOAD the Radon Info PDF ...

Local Guidebook
View the project folder for the guidebook: HERETo Do: Create flyer about the project for business owners so Vincent can get better photos. Done Fill out the booklet outline Create a system that is easy for the Morris to use so we can collaborate on the final product. Done Put all submitted content in the project folder Create the layout Identify printing/binding method. One Op ...

Help Making Project Proposals
Update: let's start meeting in person more. Impromptu 'pre-workshop' for at the Generator March 12, 2:00pm to 5:00pm for Reno Sparks Neighborhoods. Bring a laptop and learn how to build up tools and movements that empower and engage community groups. Official first meeting the following Thursday but why wait till next week for ...

Reno Sparks and Washoe County Parks
Please send us your ideas for these parks or ask to get signed in so you can help improve this list: We jokingly priced this project at $40 million as a tribute to the value of your efforts. Dance videos, sorted pictures of every park, trail details. These fun community building ideas are only a commitment away from becoming reality. Press Release: ht ...
Researched Interest Pages