City of Reno, City of Sparks, County Government Owned Real Estate

2021 UPDATE: We removed the map.
- Current Property Search data for Washoe County: HERE
- Search -Owner- "City of Reno", "City of Sparks", "State of Nevada, or "Washoe County"
Data Sheet as of May 2021
Raw data spreadsheet: Washoe-County-Gov-APNs.xlsx
Headings of special interest highlighted yellow.
Some APNs include adjacent empty lots so there is bountiful opportunity. Most are being used well, but we encourage you to find the properties that are not and to come up with better uses. Gardens, auctions to private users, housing, parks, sports, arts, community services, and whatever else is productive and community building.
**Disclaimer: Please include all disclaimers attached to this publicly available information along with these links. We are lucky to have a county that releases all this info and provides these great tools. Volunteers are welcome to contact us to help cleanup the data.
Disclaimer This information is provided as a service to the citizens of Washoe County. No warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, are provided, including usage, merchantability, content, interpretation, sequence, accuracy, currency or timeliness. This information is not intended for use as an address locator and it should be noted that not all county addresses will be found. For example, parcels containing multiple addresses may only display a single address as recorded in the Assessor's database. This information cannot be used for the purpose of boundary resolution or location. Building outlines are included for cartographic and representational purposes only and are not intended to be used for any measurement, calculation, or delineation. Assessor's Office Disclaimer This public information is furnished by the Washoe County Assessor's Office and should be accepted and used by the recipient with the understanding that the data received was developed and collected for assessment purposes only. No liability is assumed as to the accuracy, sufficiency or suitability of the information contained herein for any other particular use. The Assessor's Office assumes no liability whatsoever associated with the use or misuse of such data. For questions about assessment data please contact the Washoe County Assessor's Office Public Service Center at (775) 328-2277.Zoning information should be verified with the appropriate planning agency.
Researched Interest Pages