Foster Care - June Monday Minute

- Upcoming Events: If you have friends or family who are interested in fostering or adopting, please send them our way! We have an orientation coming up on July 19, from 6-8pm at 350 South Center Street. They can RSVP to 337-4470.
UPDATE 1: the next Foster Care orientation. Anyone is invited to attend.
- Saturday 6/18 from 2-3:30 at the Evelyn Mount Community Center 1301 Valley Road.
Administrative Note: This is a followup report from Washoe County Social Services. It was shared with foster parents by Lindsay Maurins, LSW. Call 775-337-4470 for followup questions.
Monday Minute
June, 2016
Hello Foster and Adoptive Families! This is your first issue of the “Monday Minute.” The Monday Minute stemmed from a new form of communication the agency has been using to disseminate information to staff called the “Friday Minute,” written by the lovely Dianne Madole. The information covers updates, changes, staff additions (and losses), new policy/procedures, fun facts, and more! We thought this might be a more productive way to get you the information you need to know in a more condensed, timely manner. You can expect the Monday Minute at least once per month. We will include agency updates, as well as information applicable to foster and adoptive families (reminders about events, “did you knows,” upcoming training opportunities, etc.)
Here we go!
Moves (staff moving units/floors/supervisors):
- ask at the desk if you need to find someone
What is old becomes new again! For those of you who have been around for a while, you may remember FST meetings (Family Solution Team Meetings), they are back! These meetings take place very quickly after a child has been removed and placed into care. The facilitator of the meeting is to have the team members use the strengths within the family to develop a safety plan (present danger plan) for the child. The goal is to have the meeting take place before the first court hearing, the Protective Custody Hearing.
What does this mean for you?
- You will be invited to participate in the FST. Your participation is very crucial as this will most likely be your first contact with the birth parents. Historically, this has served as a very good icebreaker and during this meeting you will learn a lot about the child and the parent. Visitation may be established during that meeting as well (And, we are still encouraging the ABC-V model. If you’re not sure what that is, please ask!).
- Keep in mind, this will be scheduled very quickly. For example, if you received a placement on Sunday, you may get a call Monday morning to come to the meeting Monday afternoon.
- You may participate by phone if you cannot be present in person. However, we can only accommodate 2 calls at a time and often time parents are incarcerated or not able to participate in person so we may not be able to get you by phone.
- During the meeting you may be asked how the child is doing, any behavioral issues, concerns, strengths, etc. again, we understand you just received the child into your home so you may not have a lot of information.
Who participates?
- The birth parents and/or significant others
- The child/youth
- Extended family of the birth parents and other support persons
- Foster parents and/or kin providers
- School staff
- Spiritual leaders
- Other community support people
- Case Worker
- Supervisor
Please let us know if you have any questions about this process. As always, we cannot thank you enough for everything you do!
Psst! Did you hear a rumor that Amber Howell (Director) has been working with several staff to devise a plan to reward the best decorative ideas that will make our building friendlier, homier and more welcoming for our families? Awards and rewards. Are you curious? Do you want to hear more?
The Court Street parking lot will be CLOSED June 13-17th. Even though we are not allowed to park in that lot – this is just a word of caution for you.
Upcoming Events:
For those of you interested in adoption – please consider attending our next adoption mixer, (Must be licensed to attend. Call for Details)
Upcoming Training opportunities:
The QPI website HERE has a list of upcoming training opportunities (live and webcast).
Foster/Adoptive Support Group – 2nd Wednesday of the month (except for May and December…we host other events those months!) 1 hour of advanced training credit offered with RSVP . Free dinner and Free child care offered! You MUST RSVP!
Children’s Cabinet offers a wide variety of training opportunities – check out the calendar at HERE
A Child’s World: Community Support Group for Parents of children with attachment or trauma issues.
- 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7-8:30 pm
- 2301 Sparks Blvd (NW corner of Sparks Blvd & O’Callaghan)
- To register: Sharon Willans
- (1 training hour per group attended )
Foster Care Statistics to be proud of:
SS SucceSSeS: Do you realize that we have finalized 42 adoptions since the beginning of 2016! Yes, 42 children have found permanency with an adoptive family. And if that doesn’t warm the cockles of your little heart…there’s more great news. There have also been 185 reunifications. These huge numbers reflect all that work you have been doing to help heal families. Your chest should be swelling with pride! This is the best part of what you do. That makes 227 children who lie their little heads down on a pillow of their own with a family who loves them. I love happy endings!
Other stats to be proud of:
In the month of May, children left Kids Kottage to the following types of placement:
- 7 to parents
- 4 to relatives
- 11 to specialized foster care
- 17 to family foster care
Also in May, children left family foster homes to the following types of placement:
- 9 to relatives
- 14 to parents
Thank you for tuning into the first issue of the Monday Minute. Have a great week! Please call 775-337-4470 or message on our Foster Care Forum HERE if you have any questions.
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