Update: let's start meeting in person more. Impromptu 'pre-workshop' for http://RenoSparks.org at the Generator http://therenogenerator.com/ March 12, 2:00pm to 5:00pm for Reno Sparks Neighborhoods. Bring a laptop and learn how to build up tools and movements that empower and engage community groups. Official first meeting the following Thursday but why wait till next week for ...

City of Reno, City of Sparks, County Government Owned Real Estate
2021 UPDATE: We removed the map. Current Property Search data for Washoe County: HERE Search -Owner- "City of Reno", "City of Sparks", "State of Nevada, or "Washoe County" Data Sheet as of May 2021 Raw data spreadsheet: Washoe-County-Gov-APNs.xlsx Headings of special interest highlighted yellow. Some APNs include adjacent empty lots so there is bountiful opportunity. Mo ...

Open Trails in Reno and Sparks
Update: The current project page with an embeddable widget: HERE Please email or textcommunity@renosparks.org - (775) 391-4005for a project overview or to offer help.The website system will be decided at the next Code for Reno meeting, Feb 21st (RSVP if you want to help). Thank you to everyone who came out to Open Data Day to digitize and organize the PDF version! KTVN Channe ...

Reno Sparks Dirt Fund
Update 2: The garden and facility is now being used by an organization serving women. Update 1: This project is complete. If you have a site for another one, let us know. Total project cost was $900. Read about the garden: Exciting Updates from the RISE Team We use our community garden fund to buy supplies for groups who have formed solid relationships and thoughtful plans to c ...

Reno Sparks and Washoe County Parks
Please send us your ideas for these parks or ask to get signed in so you can help improve this list: Community@RenoSparks.org. We jokingly priced this project at $40 million as a tribute to the value of your efforts. Dance videos, sorted pictures of every park, trail details. These fun community building ideas are only a commitment away from becoming reality. Press Release: ht ...

NADA gras at the Morris
Art communities made of artists committed to Reno and Sparks I’ve lived in Reno on and off for the past eight years. When I first moved to the Biggest Little City, it was for college and I focused my attention on the university and collegiate activities. I left Reno in 2009 and moved back in 2012. I was impressed with the changes the city made. This city wasn’t the Reno I lef ...
Researched Interest Pages